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– Villa family with Ministro Zaia –  Frasca Cristiano’s photo-

  • Agrimpresa year XV n. 1 genuary 2012 : “At the Villa brothers farm  the fruits crops are the stars, but there is also PV panels for the production of sustainable energy”

 “Ministro Luca Zaia meet the farmers at the Villa brothers farm after the visit at the  Mac-Fruit fair.”

  • Camera di Commercio di Forlì-Cesena (Article of the 13/12/2012) “From 3th to 6th december 2012, The green farm of Forlì-Cesena visiting Bolzano and Gussing (Austria). They visited the best biomass power plants, biogass plants and PV panels plants. These farm, soon, will be ready for a kind of sustainable tourism.”