– Villa family with Ministro Zaia – Frasca Cristiano’s photo-
- Agricoltura n.6 Giugno 2013 “A green Farm could do a lot of things”
- Agrimpresa year XV n. 1 genuary 2012 : “At the Villa brothers farm the fruits crops are the stars, but there is also PV panels for the production of sustainable energy”
- Il Resto del Carlino n. 238 – 8 october 2009
- Romagna corriere di Forlì-Cesena n. 278 – 8 october 2009
- La voce di Romagna n. 278- 8 october 2009
- Romagna oggi – 7october 2009
“Ministro Luca Zaia meet the farmers at the Villa brothers farm after the visit at the Mac-Fruit fair.”
- Camera di Commercio di Forlì-Cesena (Article of the 13/12/2012) “From 3th to 6th december 2012, The green farm of Forlì-Cesena visiting Bolzano and Gussing (Austria). They visited the best biomass power plants, biogass plants and PV panels plants. These farm, soon, will be ready for a kind of sustainable tourism.”